Mr. Grassie's Classroom Website


Oct. 25  Parent/Teacher Conference (1:30 to 7:00)  Early Dismissal at 1:15 today.

Oct. 26  No School

Nov. 21-23 No School for Thanksgiving Break


Mr. Grassie's Classroom Information:

How many ways can we produce energy?

Our science class is working on various projects designed to learn about types of energy sources.  There are several ways to produce energy, some common and some not-so-common.   Each student has selected a Web Quest to further their knowledge on the subject.

Time to write a new Constitution?

We have spent much time looking into this historic document.  It is now time to have them to work together to write a new constitution for an imaginary new nation.  They are using the Constitution as the basis for their new document.  It has been interesting watching them choose the parts that they would like changed.

Individualized math!

I have the unique opportunity to teach math to 3 classes at the same time.  We have quite a range of levels in this classroom.  I have introduced ‘Khan Academy’ instruction to the class.  If I am working with one of the 9 students in class, the other students will often get help from the older students until I have the opportunity to work with them. They still have the opportunity to use Khan Academy but they seem to like the 'live' teacher explaining the problems to them.  



Habla Espanol?

Hola!  This is there last opportunity to learn Spanish in the classroom.  Soon they will be switching to another exploratory class.  If they have enjoyed learning a new language, please encourage them to continue their studies on the website Duolingo.